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5 Proven ways to increase website sales

Publish Date

March 8, 2024

Your website is your best salesperson. It can pitch to thousands of visitors in seconds.

But not all websites are good at it’s job. Some don’t get enough visitors. Others get visitors but can’t retain them. And there are others who retain those visitors but fail to sell to them. 

And we know how frustrating it is to have a great product but not enough sales. It seems unfair, right?

Well, now you can change that.

In this blog, we’ve discussed how to increase website sales using 5 effective ways. These inbound strategies will help you bring new visitors, generate leads, and convert them into your most loyal customers. 

How to increase website sales: 5 inbound marketing tips

1. Write SEO blog posts

How can a website attract more customers if it doesn’t get traffic! That’s why blog posts are crucial.

Businesses that blog get 55% more traffic than those that don’t. These blog posts are basically informative content that answers the queries of your target customers. 

You’ve to make those posts SEO-optimized so that your website shows up on the first page when target customers search for a certain keyword on Google. 

Here are tips to make blog posts SEO-friendly:

1. Use tools like Semrush to find keywords your target customers are searching for.
2. Look for keywords that have high traffic and low competition.
3. Place those keywords on your blog post’s title, body, ALT text, meta description, etc.

This will help you connect with target customers, increase brand awareness, and promote your products. So now you can bring in more inbound leads and boost website sales. 

Besides, blog posts also help you gain trust and build authority over a topic. No wonder 80% of bloggers say blogging delivers powerful marketing results. 

How to increase online sales: Write SEO blog posts that bring traffic.

2. Create a landing page that converts

Now, this is the most important page on your site. Why? Because a landing page is what converts the visitors to your paying customers. 

A landing page is designed for a particular purpose, whether it’s to sell a product or capture inbound leads. So, it must not confuse visitors but guide them toward a specific action.

Tips to create a high-conversion landing page:

1. Catchy headline: On average, 8 out of 10 people read your headline, but only 2 out of 10 read the rest. So, write a clear, concise, and compelling headline that instantly tells visitors what you’re offering and how it helps them.

2. Benefits over feature: Tell how your product makes your visitor’s life better. Instead of saying, “Our website builder has a drag-and-drop interface,” say, “Create stunning websites effortlessly with our drag-and-drop builder.”

3. Strong visuals: 38.6% of marketers say video improves the conversion. So, use high-quality videos that showcase your product or service in action.

4. Clear CTA: Tell visitors exactly what you want them to do next. Ex: “Buy Now,” “Get a free trial.”

And there you have it. A good landing page that creates a positive impression and convinces visitors to take the desired action. Now you know how to increase sales on your website and crush your targets.

3. Use a smart AI Chatbot

A common issue with websites is they get a lot of traffic but don’t get conversions. It means visitors come to the website, spend some time, and then leave. And that’s how companies lose potential sales.

So, how to get more website sales? Well, use AI chatbots. They are smart assistants that engage with each visitor and give them personalized answers. 

Good AI chatbots talk just like humans, so visitors feel more encouraged to share their queries and contact details. This way, you retain the traffic and capture inbound leads. 

AI Chatbots can also make product recommendations and address objections to nudge website visitors toward making a purchase. And unlike human customer service reps, chatbots can support your customer 24/7 and boost customer satisfaction. 

That’s why 84% of companies agree that AI chatbots will play a major role in customer communication.

So, look for an AI chatbot that’s smart and easy to set up. It will help you automate the inbound lead generation process and increase website sales like never before.

4. Show strong social proof

“We determine what is correct by finding out what other people think is correct,” says Robert Cialdini, an American psychologist and author.

That’s the principle of social proof. It’s a psychological phenomenon that says we are influenced by other people’s actions or opinions. 

That means if you show how others have already benefited from your product or service, your website visitors will be more likely to make a purchase.

Here are 4 ways you can showcase social proof to boost website sales:

1. Customer testimonials: It can increase conversions by 34%. Just feature quotes from your satisfied customers highlighting their positive experiences with your product or service.

2. Case studies: Showcase detailed stories of how you’ve helped other businesses or individuals achieve success.

3. Logos of trusted brands: If you have big-name clients using your product or service, display their logos on your site.

These social proofs act as a form of external validation, a built-in trust signal that tells visitors, “Hey, others have tried this and liked it, so it’s probably safe for you too.”  

How to increase website sales: Show social proof that gains trust.

5. Give an offer they can’t resist

Have you ever found your eyes glued to that “buy one, get one” sign inside a shopping complex? That’s the power of a good offer.

A good offer is an incentive that entices website visitors to make a purchase. It could be a free trial of your software, limited-time deals, bundle discounts, or free shipping. 

Tips to make a good offer that increases website sales:

1. Know your audience: Give an offer that your target audience would value. If you sell team management software to businesses, instead of giving a price discount, give them a free trial so they can see the product benefits in action.

2. Create urgency: People don’t want to miss out. Hence, limited-time deals or limited quantities can motivate visitors to take action before the offer expires.

3. Do an A/B test: This allows you to compare different versions of your offer and see which ones perform better. For instance, you can understand which discount percentage, words, or images convert better.

A strong offer can make a hesitant visitor reconsider your deal. And now you know how to increase online sales.

But what’s the best way to increase website sales?

When it comes to generating inbound leads and website sales, nothing can beat AI chatbots. They can engage with visitors in one-to-one conversations and capture leads to find more selling opportunities.

But we at Chatsimple made something even better than chatbots, AI Nav. This is an AI copilot for your website visitors that helps them find what they need instantly. 

It’s programmed with advanced NLP algorithms that enable it to understand your visitors’ problems and give natural responses that make people feel heard.  

It talks about your product like a pro salesperson, highlighting its key benefits. The clear and compelling responses and personalized recommendations bring in more inbound leads and increase website sales.

The best part? AI Nav has a unique and bold appearance, way cooler than regular AI chatbots. It shows up as a search bar at the bottom of your website. Visitors can click once, type their queries, and find answers in seconds. 

AI Nav is basically the Google for your website – boosting user experience and building trust. 

Ready to boost your website sales?

Your website turns into a selling machine when you have smart tools like AI Nav. This search navigator promotes your products, qualifies inbound leads, and improves customer support, giving you a big edge over your competitors. Besides, using innovative tools like AI Nav helps you build a positive image for your customers. Get a free trial of AI Nav today to accelerate your business growth.

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