
How to Improve a Website’s User Experience to Generate Leads

Publish DateJune 14, 2024

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Improving user experience (UX) is mainly about making interfaces more intuitive. However, the level of intuitiveness a website offers is relative to visitors’ needs. For example, a person looking to buy a sales CRM will find HubSpot’s website more intuitive than an individual looking for account intelligence features in a CRM. Websites often communicate in one narrative and tone that might not always resonate with all visitors’ intent. To generate more leads and conversions, you must cater to all intents and purposes of your website visitors.

There are ways you can improve UX to generate more leads.

Improving a website’s user experience to generate more leads

These methods will let you optimize your website for lead generation by making a few smart changes in the interface. 

1. Make the website easier to interact with

Visitors on B2B websites have complex needs. They have a purpose and a strong intention to interact. You must engage with them using the right content while addressing their intention when they come in. However, personalizing a website to address visitors' unique needs is easier said than done. The needs vary astonishingly in the B2B space, considering the varieties of features, compliance, security, privacy, and pricing requirements of buyers. Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it easier to personalize the website experience for visitors in such cases. Consider Chatsimple, an AI sales agent that addresses visitors' complex needs while capturing them as leads. 

The AI sales agent is:

  • Well-trained on what you’re selling and what you can or cannot offer.
  • Available 24/7 to engage people visiting from different time zones when your team is resting.
  • Capable of addressing queries with many ifs and buts, unlike chatbots.

Such qualities make AI sales agents a reliable part of a website’s interface that can engage visitors before a human salesperson can. Chatsimple’s AI sales agent leads visitors toward revealing what they’re looking for, guides them toward it, and capture them as leads in the process.

This lets your website sell for you and capture visitors as leads outside your marketing or sales reach.

2. Include product imagery, demos, and pricing

Prospects expect to experience your offerings and understand how much you charge before they feel confident exchanging their contact information with you. It’s only logical. Would you share contact details on a form without knowing what you’ll get?

Your prospects are no different. How you communicate the product or service’s experience to them matters, and conveying its pricing matters more. However, many B2B companies shy away from showcasing their pricing on their website or discussing their offering in detail to keep them away from competitors’ reach. How you want to show your product and pricing is entirely your call, but there are a few interesting ways to do it:

  • Product. If you’re selling software, you can include interactive demos on your website to let users engage with the tool before taking action. 
  • Services. You can train an AI sales agent to answer specific queries about your services based on the prospect’s questions rather than showing all the details on the website. 
  • Pricing. The AI sales agent can provide a ballpark price for your product or services. This will cater to visitors' expectations without announcing the actual prices on the website. 

Chatsimple allows you to train an interactive sales agent powered by artificial intelligence to convey the exact details visitors seek. It helps you subtly communicate them at places where your prospective customers ask. 

3. Remove friction in filling forms

Lengthy forms throw away visitors quickly. The more you ask about them, the worse it gets. You cannot let go of fields in the form since they give context to target sales and marketing efforts. But you can reduce the friction. Collecting information on a form facilitates one-way communication. You can turn this into a two-way conversation between a prospect and an AI sales agent. The conversation makes it more natural to share one detail at a time. Since it’s only a slice of information, they feel less friction, making it easier to pull information.

Chatsimple’s AI sales agent persuades prospects toward the business goal you set for them. It tries to extract the information required to qualify the prospect in steps, and if it fits the profile, the sales agent captures them as leads. The agent also makes it easier for prospects to follow through with actions like booking a demo. 

4. Optimize for mobile

Make sure your website is optimized for mobile. Not every prospect checks you out from the comfort of their laptop or computer. If you fail to deliver what they’re looking for on their mobile devices, they might not return for a deep dive through their laptop.

Optimizing your website to deliver a memorable mobile experience can be tricky, as space restrictions exist. However, if you set the stage and let an AI sales agent do the rest, it works, too.

Chatsimple’s AI sales agent also works on mobile interfaces. It doesn’t let limited spacing or screen size become a blocker to your potential buyers gaining an in-depth understanding of your products or services.

Your visitors will see a simple “Ask Agent” button that they can use to inquire about your products and services.

Why is user experience crucial for B2B websites?

In B2B, 57% to 70% of a buyer’s journey is over before they contact a salesperson from your company. Your content on your website and various other platforms plays a major role in selling on your behalf in this journey. If you cannot answer the complexities of potential buyers’ queries, they’ll likely lose interest in you. 

Moreover, it’s not about addressing the queries of one potential buyer. Usually, B2B sales cycles are longer than a month, where multiple stakeholders with different needs and wants are involved in decision-making.

Your website should be flexible enough to personalize how it communicates with these stakeholders while addressing unique expectations.

Chatsimple’s AI sales agent treats these complexities with care. It behaves just like a normal, trained sales executive would to understand prospects' expectations and help them address their queries.

Let’s dive deeply into how Chatsimple optimizes visitors' experience when they land on your website.

How Chatsimple improves users’ experience on a website

Chatsimple is crucial in improving website user experience (UX) for lead generation. It generated over 1000 leads for Gallery Vision, a dynamic music distribution and publishing company.

Simplifies navigation

Chatsimple helps visitors find what they’re looking for. Visitors can simply ask Chatsimple’s AI agent questions, and the agent will answer precisely.

The agent is pre-trained on the website’s content, helping it answer queries with content available anywhere on the website. The AI agent also delivers helpful articles and links to help visitors gain more comprehensive information related to their search query.

Increases visibility of high-quality content

You already have high-quality content relevant to your target audience that offers value. But it’s hard to discover. Visitors need to dig deep into your blog or support pages to find what they want.

Chatsimple makes their journey easier, helping them easily locate high-quality content that can help them in the best way possible. It makes your content discoverable and gives the maximum value to your visitors when they land on your website. This helps visitors absorb maximum content without spending ample time researching for the right resources.

Chatsimple vs. search box

Chatsimple is different from a search box on a website. The search box is highly keyword-driven. On the contrary, Chatsimple is driven by context.

The AI sales agent understands what you’re looking for beyond the keywords you enter and helps you locate the content that would cater to your queries.

When a website visitor asks a criteria-based question, Chatsimple responds based on the query’s complexity. Then, it drives visitors toward information that can help them further.

Provide trust signals

Chatsimple enriches its responses based on case studies, testimonials, and reviews on your website.

User-generated content helps improve the quality of these responses. It gives website visitors a good reason to take the action suggested by the AI sales agent.


Chatsimple remembers the previous question a user has asked. Based on these queries, the responses are personalized to complement users’ interests and behaviors. Users who submit their information or share their use cases get even more personalized responses from the tool.

Personalization is key to Chatsimple’s offering. It personalizes your website’s content for every unique user who visits it, making it a powerful selling machine.

Treat every visitor’s needs differently

Chatsimple engages with visitors based on their unique needs, leading them to take the action you expect. It uses hyper-personalization of user experience to deliver what visitors want and quickly converts them into leads.

These agents also automatically follow up with leads based on their inquiries on the website. This context fuels CRM systems to score leads based on their interactions with Chatsimple, helping you focus on potential buyers who need priority attention.

Try Chatsimpe for free. It easily integrates with popular CRM systems in the market.

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