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Case study

Connecta Recife

Publish Date

November 24, 2023


In the vibrant and bustling urban landscape of Recife, Connecta Recife stands as an information hub, providing insights about the city’s events, public services, and more. Connecta Recife is a comprehensive portal that interlinks the citizens with real-time information about various municipal services and city events, playing a crucial role in fostering community engagement and enhancing the lives of the city’s inhabitants. They have over 600 different services offered to the citizens of Recife and they aim to facilitate access to information and public services in an efficient and transparent manner.


Operating as the center of city information, Connecta Recife is flooded with a constant stream of inquiries and requests for information, leading to a significant rise in customer service demands. The incredible volume of questions and the need for instant, accurate responses are mandatory to comply with deadlines, leading to delays and potentially diminishing citizen satisfaction and engagement. Such an environment also pulls valuable human resources into reactive roles, potentially hampering the proactive development of city initiatives, services and future event planning.


The role of 24/7 support is indispensable to a municipal service provider like Connecta Recife. Chatsimple steps in as a guide for Connecta Recife, providing an innovative chatbot designed to address citizen inquiries and situational event data efficiently. Chatsimple enables Connecta Recife to deliver personalized, high-quality experiences with immediate response times and engagement through multiple platforms. By offering real-time conversations and AI-summarized insights into the diverse needs of the citizens, Chatsimple enables Connecta Recife to resolve information bottlenecks, ensuring scalable data analytics of visitors and seamless access to city information and services for all.


With the integration of Chatsimple, Connecta Recife has the ability to employ custom data to guide citizens seamlessly through the vast repository of city information and services. Citizens are assured responses, and Connecta Recife has utilized feedback on response quality to refine and enhance interactions on their platform daily. Chatsimple has ushered in a transformative phase for Connecta Recife, elevating over 300 weekly queries — depicting a significant uplift in citizen engagement and satisfaction.

Connecta Recife’s journey with Chatsimple illustrates the transformative potential of aligning advanced technology with public service, setting a new standard in municipal excellence and citizen engagement in the vibrant city of Recife. The ongoing enhancements and continuous adaptation to the citizens’ evolving needs underscore a commitment to elevating the quality of life and community well-being in Recife.

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